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    WCI Information

    TVDSB 2024/2025 Calendar with week-by-week breakdown:

    TVDSB 2024/2025 Secondary School Calendar

     Our WCI specific Daily Schedule can be found here:

    WCI Daily Schedule

    End of semester Assessment Days will run from
    Fri. Jan. 24 - Thu. Jan. 30 for all grades/students.

    WCI Evaluation Days - Schedule/Information


    WCI - Open House

    Our WCI Open House for prospective Gr. 8 students and families will be on Tue. Nov. 26th,  2024 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This is your opportunity to tour our building, meet our staff, and get acquainted with our Red Devil community. A small school with endless opportunities!

    Details to register at WCI as a Gr. 8 student can be found on our Future Red Devils page. All links, forms, and information you will need is on this website.

    PLEASE NOTE:  In order to determine your "home school" click below:


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    WCI's Student Success Team

    Looking for help? 

    Feeling down or worried? 

    Speak with a member of WCI's Student Success Team. Most of these individuals can be found in either Guidance, the Resource Room, or the Main office. 

    Need assistance outside of WCI? Take a look at these excellent options to boost wellness.

    ©2023 - 35 Riddell St.   Woodstock, ON   N4S 6L9     Tel. 519-537-1050     Fax 519-537-3668    woodstock@tvdsb.ca  Superintendent: D. Wright, Trustees: D. Cripps, L. Hopkins